Monday, December 25, 2006

after a longg timee !!...a journey seen !!

the journey too longg.
the paths still nt made
with the sun toilng dwn
gotta move via the shade !

the sun wll add to the struggle
or is it to make the struggle .a struggle!!
am i happy to reach the goal
or the way o reaching it wil give me what i want

what i am today is what i was not
but the problem is how to sort
the array af problms in maaah cot
which are more often than not
but still i got to trot trot and trot.....!

ah god am tired
or the thought of it tiring me
there are many a bate..s
but that is what i need to hate.,
to walk through the gate
rather hovering around it !

" how to do it >??
why to do it??
am i really fr it ??"

vague thought tampering my mind
but the way is still gonna be hard to find

anyways i am the best
have to be a cut above the rest
not for me not for u
but for the two(should say three !)
who wll always love me ,back me
even if i fail the test!!

1 comment:

Deepinder Singh said...

nicely writtin but u still got to trot trot and trot..... ;)
and yea... a piece of advice that i once got from someone... avoid the un-necessary use of articles whereever possible... omitting the at many places can impart a poem a wonderful flow...